Size: 600mm diameter
Medium: Oil paint on stretched canvas (ready to hang)
Year: 2020
This 600 diameter oil painting is titled: Fynbos abundance: Everlastings and Leucadendrons
In this painting, I focused on the striking, white Cape Snow Everlastings that sparkle on Table Mountain in the early Summer. I combined these with the bright yellow Leucadendron plants that I love.
My artworks of 2020, stands in stark contrast to the tense year in which we find ourselves – with many challenges and numerous restrictions.
My aim with the paintings were to depict a feeling of freedom and to convey something positive in terms of theme and colour. In these paintings I celebrate the extravagant fynbos Spring in Cape Town and include some of my favourite Fynbos plants: Watsonias; Helichrysums; Gnidias; Pincushions; Leucadendrons and Brunias.
I chose themes like ‘Overflow’ and ‘Abundance’ to put pleasure, colour, hope and freedom back into our lives. I used fynbos plants as inspiration, but deviated from the original colours and shapes, early in the creative process, to portray freedom and abundance through my mark making and strong contrasts – and through this, bring praise to my Creator.
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