Abundance: Helichrysum

Title: Abundance: Helichrysum
Medium: Oil paint on stretched canvas
Size: 600x 600mm
Year: 2021

I love the splash of light cream colours of the Helichrysum Gradiflorum / ‘Witsewejaartjie’ against the grey rocks on Table Mountain.

In this painting, I focused on the positive and negative abstract shapes the fynbos plants creates. I used subdued grey hues to accentuate the pale yellow / creamy white flower heads of this indigenous shrub.

Another theme that I am working with in my latest paintings, is ‘shadows’. When I walk in the fynbos rich mountain paths, I find my best inspiration in the shadow of the mountain. Here the light is less sharp and the colours of my subject deeper. I feel cooler and my eyes can focus better. During this past year, I have often read Psalm 91 and this resonates with me: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty…”

This series of oil paintings, (started in the 2020 Lockdown) stand in stark contrast to the tense times that we find ourselves in – with many challenges and restrictions. In these paintings, I celebrate Spring and Summer in Cape Town.

I chose themes for my artworks such as ‘Overflow’ and ‘Abundance’ to bring pleasure, colour, hope and freedom into our lives.

 I used fynbos plants as my inspiration but deviated from the original colours and shapes early in my creative process, as I wanted to portray freedom in my mark making with vibrant colours and strong contrasts.

My aim was to show the abundance of nature after such good rains in 2020 – with a thankful heart. I want the ‘Abundance’ of the subject matter to ‘Overflow’ off the canvas – just as provision and blessings overflow in my life.  May this work bring hope and light wherever it is seen.