June 2020

Home magazine stylist, Marian van Wyk and Features Editor, Shané Barnard, featured my printed curtains in the June edition of Home Magazine and ‘Tuis tydskrif’.

The full picture
Artist Hermien van der Merwe had one of her creations, inspired by the devastating fires on Table Mountain, printed on linen to make these striking curtains. The original artwork, New Life After the Fire, is just 400 x 295mm in size but was enlarged by means of high-quality scanning so that it could be printed on 2.4 x 1.5m fabric.
“I divided the artwork in half digitally from top to bottom and had the two halves printed on the left and right curtain respectively. When the curtains – made from pure linen – are drawn, the artwork can be seen as a whole,” explains Hermien
“Because there are only 10 prints of this artwork, it’s still exclusive but it’s much more affordable than an original piece.”
Converting art – whether it be a painting or photograph – into a functional item makes it much more accessible. – Hermien